Productdetails |
Dr. Andreas Erb and Donald H. Bilderback, Ph.D. Taughannock Falls near Ithaca, NY, USA |
The Multiwire Laboratories, Ltd. 120 Laue Camera System is the ONLY system able to do Real Time Laue-Back-Reflection for the orientation of single crystals.
The system goes back to a invention of Dr. Donald H. Bilderback:
A Real-Time Back-Reflection Laue Camera", Bilderback, D. H.;, J. Appl. Cryst. 12, 95-98, (1979). ( 379kb .pdf) |
Real-time camera system with 30cm x 30cm large proportional chamber Equipment with older reused Seifert X-ray generator ID3000 |
Laue picture of a CaWO4 crystal. Recorded with a 10 sec exposure time with an accelerating voltage of 14 kV, 20 mA . |
Below the solution for the measured Laue diagram received by the associated North Star 6 software from Multiwirelab and the stereo graphic projection. Also, the disorientation for the c-axis was calculated (0.2 °, 0.2 °), although the reflex is located in the primary beam. It takes only seconds to get a solution for the orientation. |
Joy stick controlled motorized 3-Axis-Goniometer MWL 705 mounted on the jack and translation stage. The MWL 701 jack and translation stage can lift up to 50 kg. |
Mirror collimator to find smallest samples using an optical camera . New motorized 3-axis-goniometer with wide angle range and electronic readout capability . |
La1.85Sr0.15CuO4 single crystal; c-axis oriented 10 keV , 25 mA, 10 sec |
The MWL 120 Real-time camera system with 30 cm x 30 cm large proportional chamber is an ideal tool for the fast an reliable orientation of research crystals like high temperature superconductors, pnictides, oxide crystals, intermetallic or even organic crystals.
Also problematic crystals like Nickel based superalloys for turbine blades or crystals that contain elements that tend to florescence can be oriented with ease. The North Star 6.0 software indexes the observed Laue pattern and calculates the misorientation. The accuracy for the orientation can be better than 0.2 ° in normal mode or 0.05 ° in high resolution mode. |
Nd1.85Ce0.15CuO4 single crystal; c-axis oriented 12 keV , 25 mA, 10 sec |
BaFe2As2single crystal; c-axis oriented 9 keV , 25 mA, 20 sec |
Calculated solution for the BaFe2As2single crystal; c-axis oriented, misorientation 1,1/1,2°for the 001 direction |
Calculated stereographic projection for the BaFe2As2single crystal; c-axis oriented, misorientation 1,1/1,2°for the 001 direction. The 001 spot lies behind the collimator |
Laue–Camera GmbH Dr. Andreas Erb
Laue X-ray systems, Consulting in X-rays and crystal growth Sonnenweg 4b , 85386 Eching/Dietersheim, Germany
European and African sales and installation for Multiwire Laboratories Ltd., 95 Brown Rd., Ithaca, NY 14850 USA |
Laue-Camera GmbH Dr. Andreas Erb Sonnenweg 4b 85386 Eching/Dietersheim Germany |
How to reach us : |
Mobil : +49 (170) 8238306 E-Mail: Web:
Last changed 15.04.2021 |
Optical picture with crosshairs and Laue pattern and position readout |