Pilot MWL 110 project in Europe. All parts of the existing equipment  were reused. Only the radiation enclosure and a new table plate has been replaced.

The electronics and motor controller were built in inside the X-ray table.

X-ray safety inspection passed without problems.
No measurable radiation outside the radiation enclosure.  for internship allowed.

Allowance for student internships.  

3. Project in Europe
Only the X-ray generator (Seifert ID3003)  without windowcard and a Tungsten-X-ray tube were available.

Design and conception of the whole system , completion and installation of the missing Seifert components, construction of the X-ray table / radiation enclosure .

Housing of the electronics, the motor driver and the computer in a separate 19-inch casing.

Briefing of staff / students on  the system.
Service and Support

Upgraded to the MWL 120 detector


Even faster exposures and higher sensitivity

2. Project in Europe. All parts of the existing equipment were reused. A significantly bigger radiation enclosure was designed to allow the use of the second X-ray window to operate an image plate and to facilitate tube changes.
The size of the X-ray table has been increased.

The electronics, the motor controller and the computer are housed in a separate 19-inch casing.

X-ray safety inspection passed without problems.

Briefing of staff / students on the system.
Service and Support

Upgraded to the MWL 120 detector in Dec. 2013


Even faster exposures and higher sensitivity






Max-Planck-Institute Stuttgart, Germany


Conversion of an older system, reusing the Seifert ID3003 generator and radiation enclosure. Housing of the motor driver, the computer and the printer in a separate 19-inch casing.

Second system with the newly developed        MWL 120 detector.

Optical system to find smallest samples. Mirror collimator, X-ray filter for the reduction of fluorescence radiation.
Briefing of staff / students on  the system.
Service and Support


1. Project in Africa.

Completely new  system with X-ray generator.
Design and conception of the whole
newly designed system. Seifert ID3003 generator controllable in 1 kV steps between 5 and 25 kV.

Construction of the X-ray table / radiation enclosure / radiation safety circuit. X-ray warning indicator.
Housing of the electronics, the motor driver and the computer in a separate 19-inch casing.

Optical system to find smallest samples. Mirror collimator, X-ray filter for the reduction of fluorescence radiation.

Briefing of staff / students on  the system.
Service and Support

Completely new  system with X-ray generator.
Design and conception of the whole
newly designed system. Seifert ID3003 generator controllable in 1 kV steps between 5 and 25 kV.

Construction of the X-ray table / radiation enclosure / radiation safety circuit. X-ray warning indicator.
Housing of the electronics, the motor driver and the computer in a separate 19-inch casing.

Optical system to find smallest samples. Mirror collimator, X-ray filter for the reduction of fluorescence radiation.

Briefing of staff / students on  the system.
Service and Support

Completely new  system with X-ray generator.
Design and conception of the whole
newly designed system. Seifert ID3003 generator controllable in 1 kV steps between 5 and 25 kV.

Construction of the X-ray table / radiation enclosure / radiation safety circuit. X-ray warning indicator. Equipped with the newly developed        MWL 120 detector.
Housing of the electronics, the motor driver and the computer in a separate 19-inch casing.

Optical system to find smallest samples. Mirror collimator, X-ray filter for the reduction of fluorescence radiation.

Tin loaded Boltaron glass for  higher X-ray absorption.

Briefing of staff / students on  the system.
Service and Support

Here could be your name

Newly developed  MWL 120 detector

Completely new  system with X-ray generator.
Design and conception of the whole
newly designed system. Seifert ID3003 generator controllable in 1 kV steps between 5 and 25 kV.

Construction of the X-ray table / radiation enclosure / radiation safety circuit. X-ray warning indicator. Equipped with the newly developed        MWL 120 detector.
Housing of the electronics, the motor driver and the computer in a separate 19-inch casing.

Optical system to find smallest samples. Mirror collimator, X-ray filter for the reduction of fluorescence radiation.

Tin loaded Boltaron glass for  higher X-ray absorption.

Briefing of staff / students on  the system.
Service and Support

Conversion of an older system, reusing the Siemens generator, Stoe tube housing and existing radiation enclosure. Housing of the motor driver, the computer and the printer in a separate 19-inch casing.

Newly developed        MWL 120 detector.

Optical system to find smallest samples. Mirror collimator, X-ray filter for the reduction of fluorescence radiation.
Briefing of staff / students on  the system.
Service and Support






· Commissioned Dec. 2008/Jan. 2009

· Upgraded to MWL 120 May 2016


· Commissioned Nov. 2010

· Upgraded to MWL 120 Feb. 2016


Industry Installations, Companies not to be disclosed

Completely new  systems with X-ray generator.
Design and conception of the whole
newly designed system. Seifert ID3003 generator controllable in 1 kV steps between 5 and 25 kV.

Construction of the X-ray table / radiation enclosure / radiation safety circuit. X-ray warning indicator.

Equipped with the newly developed  MWL 120 detector.

Housing of the electronics, the motor driver and the computer in a separate 19-inch casing.

Closed Circle water cooling.

Special Goniometers to transfer the orientation to wire or diamond saws ……..

Optical system to find smallest samples. Mirror collimator, X-ray filter for the reduction of fluorescence radiation.

Tin loaded Boltaron glass for  higher X-ray absorption.

Briefing of staff on the system.
Service and Support

· Commissioned in 2014 and 2015


Conversion of an old system, reusing and modifying the HiTek XR 4000 X-ray generator, refurbishing and modifying the X-ray hood and radiation enclosure, construction of a completely new safety circuit box.

New Tungsten X-ray tube.

Optical system to find smallest samples. Mirror collimator, New North Star software which includes the optical camera. X-ray filter for the reduction of fluorescence radiation.

Briefing of staff / students on  the system.
Service and Support


MWL 120 detector

· Commissioned May 2016


· Commissioned March 2018


Completely new  system with X-ray generator.
Design and conception of the whole
newly designed system. Seifert ID3003 generator controllable in 1 kV steps between 5 and 25 kV.

Construction of the X-ray table / radiation enclosure / radiation safety circuit. X-ray warning indicator.

Equipped with the  MWL 120 detector.

Housing of the electronics, the motor driver and the computer in a separate 19-inch casing.

Closed Circle water cooling.

New Goniometer and J-T which have read out capability, newly developed Motor controller

Optical system to find smallest samples. Mirror collimator, X-ray filter for the reduction of fluorescence radiation.

Tin loaded Boltaron glass for  higher X-ray absorption.

Briefing of staff on the system.
Service and Support

Laue–Camera GmbH

Dr. Andreas Erb


Laue X-ray systems, Consulting in X-rays and crystal growth

Sonnenweg 4b , 85386 Eching/Dietersheim, Germany


European and African sales and installation for Multiwire Laboratories Ltd.,

 95 Brown Rd., Ithaca, NY 14850  USA

Laue-Camera GmbH

Dr. Andreas Erb

Sonnenweg 4b

85386 Eching/Dietersheim


How to reach us :

Mobil :     +49 (170) 8238306

E-Mail:    andreas.erb@lauecamera.com


Web:        www.lauecamera.com


Last changed    07.02..2023

· Commissioned Dec. 2018


Completely new  system with X-ray generator.
Design and conception of the whole
newly designed system. Seifert ID3003 generator controllable in 1 kV steps between 5 and 25 kV.

Construction of the X-ray table / radiation enclosure / radiation safety circuit. X-ray warning indicator.

Equipped with the  MWL 120 detector.

Housing of the electronics, the motor driver and the computer in a separate 19-inch casing.

Closed Circle water cooling.

New Goniometer and J-T which have read out capability, newly developed Motor controller

Optical system to find smallest samples. Mirror collimator, X-ray filter for the reduction of fluorescence radiation.

Tin loaded Boltaron glass for  higher X-ray absorption.

Briefing of staff on the system.
Service and Support

Completely new  system with X-ray generator.
Design and conception of the whole
newly designed system. Seifert ID3003 generator controllable in 1 kV steps between 5 and 25 kV.

Construction of the X-ray table / radiation enclosure / radiation safety circuit. X-ray warning indicator.

Equipped with the  MWL 120 detector.

Housing of the electronics, the motor driver and the computer inside the radiation enclosure because of space problems.

Closed Circle water cooling.

New Goniometer and J-T which have read out capability, newly developed Motor controller

Optical system to find smallest samples. Mirror collimator, X-ray filter for the reduction of fluorescence radiation.

Tin loaded Boltaron® glass for  higher X-ray absorption.

Briefing of staff on the system.
Service and Support

· Commissioned Oct. 2019


Industry Installations, Companies not to be disclosed

· Custom modification July 2022 for more space in front of the detector : 

  Translation Stage lowered  inside the cabinet ( adjustable in height )

  Primary beam catcher included into the front window


Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg

FMF - Freiburger Materialforschungszentrum

Freiburg, Germany

Completely new  system with X-ray generator.
Design and conception of the whole newly designed system. Seifert ID3003 generator controllable in 1 kV steps between 5 and 25 kV.

Construction of the X-ray table / radiation enclosure / radiation safety circuit. X-ray warning indicator.

Equipped with the  MWL 120 detector.

Closed Circle water cooling.

New Goniometer and J-T which have read out capability, newly developed Motor controller, Bond  Barrel holder

Optical system to find smallest samples. Mirror collimator, X-ray filter for the reduction of fluorescence radiation.

Tin loaded Boltaron® glass for  higher X-ray absorption.

Briefing of staff on the system.
Service and Support

· Commissioned Sept. 2020

The story continues:

· Commissioned July/Aug. 2008

· Upgraded to MWL 120 June 2012

· New x-ray genrator  Aug. 2020

Upgraded to the MWL 120 detector in June 2012

 first MWL 120 detector in the field worldwide

Reference system for all installations

Even faster exposures and higher sensitivity

New X-ray table and 19“ rack for a more ergonomic and convenient work on the device, equipped with optical camera and other options

· Commissioned Oct. 2008

· Upgraded to MWL 120 Jan. 2014

· New x-ray genrator / chiller July 2020

· New Bond Barrel holder and 3-axis Goniometer with readout capability, x-ray filter , optical camera

   and optical camera with mirror collimator  Sept. 2021





· Commissioned Feb. 2020

Industry Installation, Company not to be disclosed

University of Zagreb, Physics Department

Zagreb, Croatia

· Commissioned Oct. 2020

Completely new  system with X-ray generator.
Design and conception of the whole newly designed system. Seifert ID3003 generator controllable in 1 kV steps between 5 and 21kV.

Construction of the X-ray table / radiation enclosure / radiation safety circuit. X-ray warning indicator.

Equipped with the  MWL 120 detector.

Closed Circle water cooling.

Goniometer and J-T which have read out capability, newly developed Motor controller

Optical system to find smallest samples. Mirror collimator,

X-ray filter for the reduction of fluorescence radiation.

Tin loaded Boltaron® glass for  higher X-ray absorption.

Briefing of staff on the system.
Service and Support

Completely new  system with X-ray generator.
Design and conception of the whole newly designed system. Seifert ID3003 generator controllable in 1 kV steps between 5 and 21kV.

Construction of the X-ray table / radiation enclosure / radiation safety circuit. X-ray warning indicator.

Equipped with the  MWL 120 detector.

Closed Circle water cooling.

Goniometer and J-T which have read out capability, newly developed Motor controller

Bond  Barrel holder

Optical system to find smallest samples. Mirror collimator,

X-ray filter for the reduction of fluorescence radiation.

Tin loaded Boltaron® glass for  higher X-ray absorption.

Briefing of staff on the system.
Service and Support

3rd system in Turkey

Middle East Technical University (METU), Physics Department

Ankara, Turkey

· Commissioned  July 2021

Completely new  system with X-ray generator.
Design and conception of the whole newly designed system. Seifert ID3003 generator controllable in 1 kV steps between 5 and 21kV.

New construction of the X-ray table / radiation enclosure / radiation safety circuit. X-ray warning indicator.

Sliding side door for easy access to the sample room , internal lighting for better visibility, new bigger side rack  for computer electronics and joy stick New software features for producing bespoke templates for desired orientations of crystals and castings.

Equipped with the  MWL 120 detector.

Closed Circle water cooling.

J-T which have read out capability, newly developed Motor controller

Optical system to find smallest samples. Mirror collimator,

X-ray filter for the reduction of fluorescence radiation.

Tin loaded Boltaron® glass for  higher X-ray absorption.

 Primary beam catcher included into the front window for more free space in front of the detector


Briefing of staff on the system.
Service and Support


· Commissioned  April 2024